If you plan to travel to Andorra for a business trip or as a tourist, know that it is very important to have the necessary identity documents, especially if you are traveling with the whole family or if you are part of of those who never separate from their pet.

My children are minors. What is the necessary documentation to travel to Andorra?
If you are traveling with minors, they must bring their passport or identity card. In addition, they must be included in one of the passports of whoever is accompanying them.

One important thing: if the little ones will be traveling alone, they must bring an authorization to leave the territory (which can be collected from the specific town hall or a police station) and a valid passport or identity card.

In both cases, it is NOT valid to present the family book.

My pet is my family. What should i do?
If you cannot be away from your pet for too long, the necessary documentation to enter Andorra is its passport, health card and up-to-date vaccination card.

If your pet is a dog considered potentially dangerous, don't forget to leash and muzzle it, as specified by law.

Where should I go if I need more information?

The first resource is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Institutional Relations. You can access it through the address Or, if you prefer, call +376 875 700

In the same way, depending on your nationality, you can do the procedures in embassies or consulates, which is why we indicate below those of Spain and France, countries with which Andorra shares a border.


Embassies and consulates

 Spanish Embassy
  (+376) 800 030

Spanish Consulate
  (+376) 800 080

French Embassy
  (+376) 736 700

French Consulate
  (+376) 736 730

Other phones of interest
  • Portugal Embassy: (+376) 805 308
  • Portugal Consulate: (+376) 805 305
  • Belgium Embassy: (+376) 386 598
  • Swiss Consulate: (+376) 871 330
  • United Kingdom Consulate(+376) 862 080
  • Chile Consulate: (+376) 735 785
  • Germany Consulate (+376) 861 036